The received event object RTMMemberInfo channelMemberJoined | occurs when some one joined in the subscribed channel
The received event object RTMMemberInfo channelMemberLeft | occurs when sone one left from u subscribed channel
The received event object RTMChannelMessage channelMessageReceived | occurs when received channel message |
The received event object ConnectionState connectionStateChanged | occurs when connection state changed |
The received event object error | occurs when wrapper emit error | on("error") |
The received event object RTMLocalInvitationMessage localInvitationAccepted | occurs when local invitation accepted |
The received event object RTMLocalInvitationMessage localInvitationCanceled | occurs when local invitation canceled |
The received event object RTMLocalInvitationErrorMessage localInvitationFailure | occurs when local invitation failure |
The received event object RTMLocalInvitationMessage localInvitationReceivedByPeer | occurs when local inviation received by peer |
The received event object RTMLocalInvitationMessage localInvitationRefused | occurs when local invitation refused |
The received event object RTMPeerMessage messageReceived | occurs when message received |
The received event object RTMRemoteInvitationMessage remoteInvitationAccepted | occurs when remote invitation accepted |
The received event object RTMRemoteInvitationMessage remoteInvitationCanceled | occurs when remote invitation canceled |
The received event object RTMRemoteInvitationErrorMessage remoteInvitationFailure | occurs when remote invitation failure |
The received event object RTMRemoteInvitationMessage remoteInvitationReceived | occurs when remote invitation received |
The received event object RTMRemoteInvitationMessage remoteInvitationRefused | occurs when remote invitation refused |
The received event object tokenExpired | occurs when token has expired |
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