Interface RtcPropsInterface

Props object for customising the UI Kit functionality


  • RtcPropsInterface


CustomVideoPlaceholder?: FunctionComponent<VideoPlaceholderProps>

React functional component for overriding the default video placeholder

activeSpeaker?: boolean

Set to true to enable active speaker callback, switches the pinned video to active speaker if you're using the pinned layout. (default: false)

appId: string

Agora App ID - used to authenticate the request

callActive?: boolean

Once set to true, the UI Kit attempts to join the channel. Can be set to false to initialise the SDK and wait before joining the channel. (default: true)

channel: string

Channel name to join - users in the same channel can communicate with each other

customRtcClient?: IAgoraRTCClient

Pass in a custom RTC client, to use your own implementation of the AgoraRTCClient.

disableRtm?: boolean

Disable Agora RTM, this also disables the use of usernames and remote mute functionality

dualStreamMode?: RemoteStreamFallbackType

Enable dual stream mode with selected fallback option. (default: disabled)

enableAudio?: boolean

Enable the mic before joining the call. (default: true)

enableDualStream?: boolean

Enables dual stream mode. (default: false)

enableScreensharing?: boolean

enable screensharing feature

enableVideo?: boolean

Enable the camera before joining the call. Only use for initiak(default: true)

layout?: layout

Choose between grid layout and pinned layout. (default: pinned layout)

role?: role

Set local user's role between audience and host. Use with mode set to livestreaming. (default: host)

screenshareToken?: null | string

Token used to join a channel when using secured mode (default: null)

screenshareUid?: number

UID for local user to join the channel (default: 1)

token?: null | string

Token used to join a channel when using secured mode (default: null)

tokenUrl?: string

URL for token server, manages fetching and updating tokens automatically. Must follow the schema here -

uid?: number

UID for local user to join the channel (default: 0)

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