Interface IRemoteVideoTrack

RemoteVideoTrack is the basic interface for the remote video track.

You can get create a remote video track by the [AgoraRTCRemoteUser.videoTrack]videoTrack object after calling [subscribe]subscribe.



isPlaying: boolean

Whether a media track is playing on the webpage:

  • true: The media track is playing on the webpage.
  • false: The media track is not playing on the webpage.
trackMediaType: "audio" | "video"

The type of a media track:

  • "audio": Audio track.
  • "video": Video track.


  • Since

    Gets the data of the video frame being rendered.

    You should call this method after calling play. Otherwise, the method call returns null.


    An ImageData object that stores RGBA data. ImageData is a web API supported by the browser. For details, see ImageData.

    Returns ImageData

  • Gets all the listeners for a specified event.


    • event: string

      The event name.

    Returns Function[]

  • Gets the ID of a media track, a unique identifier generated by the SDK.


    The media track ID.

    Returns string

  • Gets the uid of the remote user who publishes the remote track.


    The uid of the remote user.

    Returns UID

  • Removes the listener for a specified event.


    • event: string

      The event name.

    • listener: Function

      The callback that corresponds to the event listener.

    Returns void

  • Listens for a specified event.

    When the specified event happens, the SDK triggers the callback that you pass.


    • event: "first-frame-decoded"

      The event name.

    • listener: (() => void)

      The callback to trigger.

        • (): void
        • Occurs when the first remote audio or video frame is decoded.

          As Member Of




          Returns void

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    Returns void

  • Listens for a specified event once.

    When the specified event happens, the SDK triggers the callback that you pass and then removes the listener.


    • event: string

      The event name.

    • listener: Function

      The callback to trigger.

    Returns void

  • Plays a remote video track on the web page.


    • element: string | HTMLElement

      Specifies a DOM element. The SDK will create a <video> element under the specified DOM element to play the video track. You can specify a DOM element in either of following ways:

      • string: Specify the ID of the DOM element.
      • HTMLElement: Pass a DOM object.
    • Optional config: VideoPlayerConfig

      Sets the playback configurations, such as display mode and mirror mode. See VideoPlayerConfig. By default, the SDK enables mirror mode for a local video track.

    Returns void

  • Removes all listeners for a specified event.


    • Optional event: string

      The event name. If left empty, all listeners for all events are removed.

    Returns void

  • Stops playing the media track.

    Returns void

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