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Props object for RTC SDK




activeSpeaker?: boolean
appId: string

Agora App ID - used to authenticate the request

callActive?: boolean

Once set to true, the UI Kit attempts to join the channel. Can be set to false to initialise the SDK and wait before joining the channel. (default: true)

channel: string

Channel name to join - users in the same channel can communicate with each other

disableRtm?: boolean

Disable Agora RTM, this also disables the use of usernames and remote mute functionality

dual?: null | boolean

Set to true to enable active speaker callback, switches the pinned video to active speaker if you're using the pinned layout. (default: false)

enableMediaOnHost?: boolean

Enable the mic and camera when the local user toggles role to become a host from audience role. (default: true)

encryption?: { key: string; mode: Aes128Gcm2 | Aes256Gcm2; salt?: number[] }

Type declaration

  • key: string
  • mode: Aes128Gcm2 | Aes256Gcm2
  • Optional salt?: number[]

    Salt, 32 bytes in length. Agora recommends that you use OpenSSL to generate salt on the server side. See Media Stream Encryption for details. This parameter takes effect only in Aes128Gcm2 or Aes256Gcm2 encrypted mode. In this case, ensure that this parameter is not 0.

initialDualStreamMode?: DualStreamMode
layout?: Layout

Choose between grid layout and pinned layout. (default: pinned layout)

Select between livestreaming and communication mode for the SDK. (default: communication)

profile?: "120p_1" | "120p_3" | "180p_1" | "180p_3" | "180p_4" | "240p_1" | "240p_3" | "240p_4" | "360p_1" | "360p_3" | "360p_4" | "360p_6" | "360p_7" | "360p_8" | "360p_9" | "360p_10" | "360p_11" | "480p_1" | "480p_2" | "480p_3" | "480p_4" | "480p_6" | "480p_8" | "480p_9" | "480p_10" | "720p_1" | "720p_2" | "720p_3" | "720p_5" | "720p_6"

Set local user's role between audience and host. Use with mode set to livestreaming. (default: host)

token?: null | string

(optional) Token used to join a channel when using secured mode (default: null)

tokenUrl?: string

(optional) URL for token server, manages fetching and updating tokens automatically. Must follow the schema here - https://github.com/AgoraIO-Community/agora-token-service/

uid?: number

(optional) UID for local user to join the channel (default: 0)

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