  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All



Type aliases

Type aliases

AbsoluteSize: "large" | "medium" | "small" | "x-large" | "x-small" | "xx-large" | "xx-small" | "xxx-large"
AccentColor: Globals | <internal>.Color | "auto"
AlignContent: Globals | ContentDistribution | ContentPosition | "baseline" | "normal" | (string & {})
AlignItems: Globals | SelfPosition | "baseline" | "normal" | "stretch" | (string & {})
AlignSelf: Globals | SelfPosition | "auto" | "baseline" | "normal" | "stretch" | (string & {})
AlignTracks: Globals | ContentDistribution | ContentPosition | "baseline" | "normal" | (string & {})
AlignmentBaseline: Globals | "after-edge" | "alphabetic" | "auto" | "baseline" | "before-edge" | "central" | "hanging" | "ideographic" | "mathematical" | "middle" | "text-after-edge" | "text-before-edge"
AnimateableFeature: "contents" | "scroll-position" | (string & {})
Animation<TTime>: Globals | SingleAnimation<TTime> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TTime = string & {}

AnimationComposition: Globals | (string & {})
AnimationDelay<TTime>: Globals | TTime | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TTime = string & {}

AnimationDirection: Globals | SingleAnimationDirection | (string & {})
AnimationDuration<TTime>: Globals | TTime | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TTime = string & {}

AnimationEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<<internal>.AnimationEvent<T>>

Type parameters

AnimationFillMode: Globals | SingleAnimationFillMode | (string & {})
AnimationIterationCount: Globals | "infinite" | (string & {}) | (number & {})
AnimationName: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
AnimationPlayState: Globals | "paused" | "running" | (string & {})
AnimationTimeline: Globals | SingleAnimationTimeline | (string & {})
AnimationTimingFunction: Globals | EasingFunction | (string & {})
Appearance: Globals | CompatAuto | "auto" | "menulist-button" | "none" | "textfield"
AriaRole: "alert" | "alertdialog" | "application" | "article" | "banner" | "button" | "cell" | "checkbox" | "columnheader" | "combobox" | "complementary" | "contentinfo" | "definition" | "dialog" | "directory" | "document" | "feed" | "figure" | "form" | "grid" | "gridcell" | "group" | "heading" | "img" | "link" | "list" | "listbox" | "listitem" | "log" | "main" | "marquee" | "math" | "menu" | "menubar" | "menuitem" | "menuitemcheckbox" | "menuitemradio" | "navigation" | "none" | "note" | "option" | "presentation" | "progressbar" | "radio" | "radiogroup" | "region" | "row" | "rowgroup" | "rowheader" | "scrollbar" | "search" | "searchbox" | "separator" | "slider" | "spinbutton" | "status" | "switch" | "tab" | "table" | "tablist" | "tabpanel" | "term" | "textbox" | "timer" | "toolbar" | "tooltip" | "tree" | "treegrid" | "treeitem" | (string & {})
AspectRatio: Globals | "auto" | (string & {}) | (number & {})
Attachment: "fixed" | "local" | "scroll"
Azimuth: Globals | "behind" | "center" | "center-left" | "center-right" | "far-left" | "far-right" | "left" | "left-side" | "leftwards" | "right" | "right-side" | "rightwards" | (string & {})
BackdropFilter: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
BackfaceVisibility: Globals | "hidden" | "visible"
Background<TLength>: Globals | FinalBgLayer<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BackgroundAttachment: Globals | Attachment | (string & {})
BackgroundBlendMode: Globals | BlendMode | (string & {})
BackgroundClip: Globals | Box | (string & {})
BackgroundColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
BackgroundImage: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
BackgroundOrigin: Globals | Box | (string & {})
BackgroundPosition<TLength>: Globals | BgPosition<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BackgroundPositionX<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "center" | "left" | "right" | "x-end" | "x-start" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BackgroundPositionY<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "bottom" | "center" | "top" | "y-end" | "y-start" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BackgroundRepeat: Globals | RepeatStyle | (string & {})
BackgroundSize<TLength>: Globals | BgSize<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BaselineShift<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "baseline" | "sub" | "super" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BgPosition<TLength>: TLength | "bottom" | "center" | "left" | "right" | "top" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength

BgSize<TLength>: TLength | "auto" | "contain" | "cover" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength

BlendMode: "color" | "color-burn" | "color-dodge" | "darken" | "difference" | "exclusion" | "hard-light" | "hue" | "lighten" | "luminosity" | "multiply" | "normal" | "overlay" | "saturation" | "screen" | "soft-light"
BlockOverflow: Globals | "clip" | "ellipsis" | (string & {})
BlockSize<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-fit-content" | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-fill-available" | "auto" | "fit-content" | "max-content" | "min-content" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

Booleanish: boolean | "true" | "false"
Border<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderBlock<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderBlockColor: Globals | <internal>.Color | (string & {})
BorderBlockEnd<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderBlockEndColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
BorderBlockEndStyle: Globals | LineStyle
BorderBlockEndWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderBlockStart<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderBlockStartColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
BorderBlockStartStyle: Globals | LineStyle
BorderBlockStartWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderBlockStyle: Globals | LineStyle
BorderBlockWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderBottom<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderBottomColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
BorderBottomLeftRadius<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderBottomRightRadius<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderBottomStyle: Globals | LineStyle
BorderBottomWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderCollapse: Globals | "collapse" | "separate"
BorderColor: Globals | <internal>.Color | (string & {})
BorderEndEndRadius<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderEndStartRadius<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderImage: Globals | "none" | "repeat" | "round" | "space" | "stretch" | (string & {}) | (number & {})
BorderImageOutset<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {}) | (number & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderImageRepeat: Globals | "repeat" | "round" | "space" | "stretch" | (string & {})
BorderImageSlice: Globals | (string & {}) | (number & {})
BorderImageSource: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
BorderImageWidth<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {}) | (number & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderInline<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderInlineColor: Globals | <internal>.Color | (string & {})
BorderInlineEnd<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderInlineEndColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
BorderInlineEndStyle: Globals | LineStyle
BorderInlineEndWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderInlineStart<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderInlineStartColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
BorderInlineStartStyle: Globals | LineStyle
BorderInlineStartWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderInlineStyle: Globals | LineStyle
BorderInlineWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderLeft<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderLeftColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
BorderLeftStyle: Globals | LineStyle
BorderLeftWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderRadius<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderRight<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderRightColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
BorderRightStyle: Globals | LineStyle
BorderRightWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderSpacing<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderStartEndRadius<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderStartStartRadius<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderStyle: Globals | LineStyle | (string & {})
BorderTop<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderTopColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
BorderTopLeftRadius<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderTopRightRadius<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderTopStyle: Globals | LineStyle
BorderTopWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

BorderWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

Bottom<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

Box: "border-box" | "content-box" | "padding-box"
BoxAlign: Globals | "baseline" | "center" | "end" | "start" | "stretch"
BoxDecorationBreak: Globals | "clone" | "slice"
BoxDirection: Globals | "inherit" | "normal" | "reverse"
BoxFlex: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
BoxFlexGroup: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
BoxLines: Globals | "multiple" | "single"
BoxOrdinalGroup: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
BoxOrient: Globals | "block-axis" | "horizontal" | "inherit" | "inline-axis" | "vertical"
BoxPack: Globals | "center" | "end" | "justify" | "start"
BoxShadow: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
BoxSizing: Globals | "border-box" | "content-box"
BreakAfter: Globals | "all" | "always" | "auto" | "avoid" | "avoid-column" | "avoid-page" | "avoid-region" | "column" | "left" | "page" | "recto" | "region" | "right" | "verso"
BreakBefore: Globals | "all" | "always" | "auto" | "avoid" | "avoid-column" | "avoid-page" | "avoid-region" | "column" | "left" | "page" | "recto" | "region" | "right" | "verso"
BreakInside: Globals | "auto" | "avoid" | "avoid-column" | "avoid-page" | "avoid-region"
CaptionSide: Globals | "block-end" | "block-start" | "bottom" | "inline-end" | "inline-start" | "top"
CaretColor: Globals | <internal>.Color | "auto"
ChangeEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<ChangeEvent<T>>

Type parameters

Clear: Globals | "both" | "inline-end" | "inline-start" | "left" | "none" | "right"
Clip: Globals | "auto" | (string & {})
ClipPath: Globals | GeometryBox | "none" | (string & {})
ClipRule: Globals | "evenodd" | "nonzero"
ClipboardEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<<internal>.ClipboardEvent<T>>

Type parameters

Color: NamedColor | DeprecatedSystemColor | "currentcolor" | (string & {})
ColorInterpolation: Globals | "auto" | "linearRGB" | "sRGB"
ColorRendering: Globals | "auto" | "optimizeQuality" | "optimizeSpeed"
ColorScheme: Globals | "dark" | "light" | "normal" | (string & {})
ColumnCount: Globals | "auto" | (number & {}) | (string & {})
ColumnFill: Globals | "auto" | "balance" | "balance-all"
ColumnGap<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "normal" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ColumnRule<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ColumnRuleColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
ColumnRuleStyle: Globals | LineStyle | (string & {})
ColumnRuleWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ColumnSpan: Globals | "all" | "none"
ColumnWidth<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto"

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

Columns<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {}) | (number & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

CompatAuto: "button" | "checkbox" | "listbox" | "menulist" | "meter" | "progress-bar" | "push-button" | "radio" | "searchfield" | "slider-horizontal" | "square-button" | "textarea"
ComponentProps<T>: T extends JSXElementConstructor<infer P> ? P : T extends keyof IntrinsicElements ? IntrinsicElements[T] : {}

NOTE: prefer ComponentPropsWithRef, if the ref is forwarded, or ComponentPropsWithoutRef when refs are not supported.

Type parameters

ComponentPropsWithRef<T>: T extends new (props: infer P) => Component<any, any> ? PropsWithoutRef<P> & RefAttributes<InstanceType<T>> : PropsWithRef<ComponentProps<T>>

Type parameters

ComponentState: any
ComponentType<P>: ComponentClass<P> | FunctionComponent<P>

Type parameters

  • P = {}

CompositeStyle: "clear" | "copy" | "destination-atop" | "destination-in" | "destination-out" | "destination-over" | "source-atop" | "source-in" | "source-out" | "source-over" | "xor"
CompositingOperator: "add" | "exclude" | "intersect" | "subtract"
CompositionEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<<internal>.CompositionEvent<T>>

Type parameters

Contain: Globals | "content" | "inline-size" | "layout" | "none" | "paint" | "size" | "strict" | "style" | (string & {})
Content: Globals | ContentList | "none" | "normal" | (string & {})
ContentDistribution: "space-around" | "space-between" | "space-evenly" | "stretch"
ContentList: Quote | "contents" | (string & {})
ContentPosition: "center" | "end" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | "start"
ContentVisibility: Globals | "auto" | "hidden" | "visible"
CounterIncrement: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
CounterReset: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
CounterSet: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
CubicBezierTimingFunction: "ease" | "ease-in" | "ease-in-out" | "ease-out" | (string & {})
Cursor: Globals | "-moz-grab" | "-webkit-grab" | "alias" | "all-scroll" | "auto" | "cell" | "col-resize" | "context-menu" | "copy" | "crosshair" | "default" | "e-resize" | "ew-resize" | "grab" | "grabbing" | "help" | "move" | "n-resize" | "ne-resize" | "nesw-resize" | "no-drop" | "none" | "not-allowed" | "ns-resize" | "nw-resize" | "nwse-resize" | "pointer" | "progress" | "row-resize" | "s-resize" | "se-resize" | "sw-resize" | "text" | "vertical-text" | "w-resize" | "wait" | "zoom-in" | "zoom-out" | (string & {})
Dasharray<TLength>: TLength | (string & {}) | (number & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength

DeprecatedSystemColor: "ActiveBorder" | "ActiveCaption" | "AppWorkspace" | "Background" | "ButtonFace" | "ButtonHighlight" | "ButtonShadow" | "ButtonText" | "CaptionText" | "GrayText" | "Highlight" | "HighlightText" | "InactiveBorder" | "InactiveCaption" | "InactiveCaptionText" | "InfoBackground" | "InfoText" | "Menu" | "MenuText" | "Scrollbar" | "ThreeDDarkShadow" | "ThreeDFace" | "ThreeDHighlight" | "ThreeDLightShadow" | "ThreeDShadow" | "Window" | "WindowFrame" | "WindowText"
DetailedHTMLProps<E, T>: ClassAttributes<T> & E

Type parameters

Direction: Globals | "ltr" | "rtl"
Dispatch<A>: (value: A) => void

Type parameters

  • A

Type declaration

    • (value: A): void
    • Parameters

      • value: A

      Returns void

DispatchType: <T, V>(action: { type: T; value: V }) => void

Type declaration

Display: Globals | DisplayOutside | DisplayInside | DisplayInternal | DisplayLegacy | "contents" | "list-item" | "none" | (string & {})
DisplayInside: "-ms-flexbox" | "-ms-grid" | "-webkit-flex" | "flex" | "flow" | "flow-root" | "grid" | "ruby" | "table"
DisplayInternal: "ruby-base" | "ruby-base-container" | "ruby-text" | "ruby-text-container" | "table-caption" | "table-cell" | "table-column" | "table-column-group" | "table-footer-group" | "table-header-group" | "table-row" | "table-row-group"
DisplayLegacy: "-ms-inline-flexbox" | "-ms-inline-grid" | "-webkit-inline-flex" | "inline-block" | "inline-flex" | "inline-grid" | "inline-list-item" | "inline-table"
DisplayOutside: "block" | "inline" | "run-in"
DominantBaseline: Globals | "alphabetic" | "auto" | "central" | "hanging" | "ideographic" | "mathematical" | "middle" | "no-change" | "reset-size" | "text-after-edge" | "text-before-edge" | "use-script"
DragEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<<internal>.DragEvent<T>>

Type parameters

EasingFunction: CubicBezierTimingFunction | StepTimingFunction | "linear"
EastAsianVariantValues: "jis04" | "jis78" | "jis83" | "jis90" | "simplified" | "traditional"
Either<T, U>: Only<T, U> | Only<U, T>

Type parameters

  • T

  • U

ElementRef<C>: "ref" extends keyof ComponentPropsWithRef<C> ? NonNullable<ComponentPropsWithRef<C>["ref"]> extends Ref<infer Instance> ? Instance : never : never

Gets the instance type for a React element. The instance will be different for various component types:

  • React class components will be the class instance. So if you had class Foo extends React.Component<{}> {} and used React.ElementRef<typeof Foo> then the type would be the instance of Foo.
  • React stateless functional components do not have a backing instance and so React.ElementRef<typeof Bar> (when Bar is function Bar() {}) will give you the undefined type.
  • JSX intrinsics like div will give you their DOM instance. For React.ElementRef<'div'> that would be HTMLDivElement. For React.ElementRef<'input'> that would be HTMLInputElement.
  • React stateless functional components that forward a ref will give you the ElementRef of the forwarded to component.

C must be the type of a React component so you need to use typeof as in React.ElementRef<typeof MyComponent>.


In Flow, this works a little different with forwarded refs and the AbstractComponent that React.forwardRef() returns.

Type parameters

ElementType<P>: { [ K in keyof IntrinsicElements]: P extends IntrinsicElements[K] ? K : never }[keyof IntrinsicElements] | ComponentType<P>

Type parameters

  • P = any

EmptyCells: Globals | "hide" | "show"
EventHandler<E>: { bivarianceHack: any }["bivarianceHack"]

Type parameters

Fill: Globals | Paint
FillOpacity: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
FillRule: Globals | "evenodd" | "nonzero"
Filter: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
FinalBgLayer<TLength>: <internal>.Color | BgPosition<TLength> | RepeatStyle | Attachment | Box | "none" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength

Flex<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | "content" | "fit-content" | "max-content" | "min-content" | "none" | (string & {}) | (number & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

FlexBasis<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-fit-content" | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-auto" | "auto" | "content" | "fit-content" | "max-content" | "min-content" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

FlexDirection: Globals | "column" | "column-reverse" | "row" | "row-reverse"
FlexFlow: Globals | "column" | "column-reverse" | "nowrap" | "row" | "row-reverse" | "wrap" | "wrap-reverse" | (string & {})
FlexGrow: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
FlexShrink: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
FlexWrap: Globals | "nowrap" | "wrap" | "wrap-reverse"
Float: Globals | "inline-end" | "inline-start" | "left" | "none" | "right"
FloodColor: Globals | <internal>.Color | "currentColor"
FloodOpacity: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
FocusEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<<internal>.FocusEvent<T>>

Type parameters

Font: Globals | "caption" | "icon" | "menu" | "message-box" | "small-caption" | "status-bar" | (string & {})
FontFamily: Globals | GenericFamily | (string & {})
FontFeatureSettings: Globals | "normal" | (string & {})
FontKerning: Globals | "auto" | "none" | "normal"
FontLanguageOverride: Globals | "normal" | (string & {})
FontOpticalSizing: Globals | "auto" | "none"
FontSize<TLength>: Globals | AbsoluteSize | TLength | "larger" | "smaller" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

FontSizeAdjust: Globals | "from-font" | "none" | (string & {}) | (number & {})
FontSmooth<TLength>: Globals | AbsoluteSize | TLength | "always" | "auto" | "never"

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

FontStretchAbsolute: "condensed" | "expanded" | "extra-condensed" | "extra-expanded" | "normal" | "semi-condensed" | "semi-expanded" | "ultra-condensed" | "ultra-expanded" | (string & {})
FontStyle: Globals | "italic" | "normal" | "oblique" | (string & {})
FontSynthesis: Globals | "none" | "small-caps" | "style" | "weight" | (string & {})
FontVariant: Globals | EastAsianVariantValues | "all-petite-caps" | "all-small-caps" | "common-ligatures" | "contextual" | "diagonal-fractions" | "discretionary-ligatures" | "full-width" | "historical-forms" | "historical-ligatures" | "lining-nums" | "no-common-ligatures" | "no-contextual" | "no-discretionary-ligatures" | "no-historical-ligatures" | "none" | "normal" | "oldstyle-nums" | "ordinal" | "petite-caps" | "proportional-nums" | "proportional-width" | "ruby" | "slashed-zero" | "small-caps" | "stacked-fractions" | "tabular-nums" | "titling-caps" | "unicase" | (string & {})
FontVariantAlternates: Globals | "historical-forms" | "normal" | (string & {})
FontVariantCaps: Globals | "all-petite-caps" | "all-small-caps" | "normal" | "petite-caps" | "small-caps" | "titling-caps" | "unicase"
FontVariantEastAsian: Globals | EastAsianVariantValues | "full-width" | "normal" | "proportional-width" | "ruby" | (string & {})
FontVariantLigatures: Globals | "common-ligatures" | "contextual" | "discretionary-ligatures" | "historical-ligatures" | "no-common-ligatures" | "no-contextual" | "no-discretionary-ligatures" | "no-historical-ligatures" | "none" | "normal" | (string & {})
FontVariantNumeric: Globals | "diagonal-fractions" | "lining-nums" | "normal" | "oldstyle-nums" | "ordinal" | "proportional-nums" | "slashed-zero" | "stacked-fractions" | "tabular-nums" | (string & {})
FontVariantPosition: Globals | "normal" | "sub" | "super"
FontVariationSettings: Globals | "normal" | (string & {})
FontWeight: Globals | FontWeightAbsolute | "bolder" | "lighter"
FontWeightAbsolute: "bold" | "normal" | (number & {}) | (string & {})
ForcedColorAdjust: Globals | "auto" | "none"
FormEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<FormEvent<T>>

Type parameters

Gap<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "normal" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

GenericFamily: "cursive" | "fantasy" | "monospace" | "sans-serif" | "serif"
GeometryBox: Box | "fill-box" | "margin-box" | "stroke-box" | "view-box"
GetDerivedStateFromError<P, S>: (error: any) => Partial<S> | null

Type parameters

  • P

  • S

Type declaration

    • Parameters

      • error: any

      Returns Partial<S> | null

GetDerivedStateFromProps<P, S>: (nextProps: Readonly<P>, prevState: S) => Partial<S> | null

Type parameters

  • P

  • S

Type declaration

Globals: "-moz-initial" | "inherit" | "initial" | "revert" | "revert-layer" | "unset"
GlyphOrientationVertical: Globals | "auto" | (string & {}) | (number & {})
Grid: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
GridArea: Globals | GridLine | (string & {})
GridAutoColumns<TLength>: Globals | TrackBreadth<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

GridAutoFlow: Globals | "column" | "dense" | "row" | (string & {})
GridAutoRows<TLength>: Globals | TrackBreadth<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

GridColumn: Globals | GridLine | (string & {})
GridColumnEnd: Globals | GridLine
GridColumnGap<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

GridColumnStart: Globals | GridLine
GridGap<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

GridLine: "auto" | (string & {}) | (number & {})
GridRow: Globals | GridLine | (string & {})
GridRowEnd: Globals | GridLine
GridRowGap<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

GridRowStart: Globals | GridLine
GridTemplate: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
GridTemplateAreas: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
GridTemplateColumns<TLength>: Globals | TrackBreadth<TLength> | "none" | "subgrid" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

GridTemplateRows<TLength>: Globals | TrackBreadth<TLength> | "none" | "subgrid" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

HTMLAttributeAnchorTarget: "_self" | "_blank" | "_parent" | "_top" | (string & {})
HTMLAttributeReferrerPolicy: "" | "no-referrer" | "no-referrer-when-downgrade" | "origin" | "origin-when-cross-origin" | "same-origin" | "strict-origin" | "strict-origin-when-cross-origin" | "unsafe-url"
HTMLInputTypeAttribute: "button" | "checkbox" | "color" | "date" | "datetime-local" | "email" | "file" | "hidden" | "image" | "month" | "number" | "password" | "radio" | "range" | "reset" | "search" | "submit" | "tel" | "text" | "time" | "url" | "week" | (string & {})
HangingPunctuation: Globals | "allow-end" | "first" | "force-end" | "last" | "none" | (string & {})
Height<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-fit-content" | "auto" | "fit-content" | "max-content" | "min-content" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

HyphenateCharacter: Globals | "auto" | (string & {})
Hyphens: Globals | "auto" | "manual" | "none"
ImageOrientation: Globals | "flip" | "from-image" | (string & {})
ImageRendering: Globals | "-moz-crisp-edges" | "-webkit-optimize-contrast" | "auto" | "crisp-edges" | "pixelated"
ImageResolution: Globals | "from-image" | (string & {})
ImeMode: Globals | "active" | "auto" | "disabled" | "inactive" | "normal"
InitialLetter: Globals | "normal" | (string & {}) | (number & {})
InlineSize<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-fit-content" | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-fill-available" | "auto" | "fit-content" | "max-content" | "min-content" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

InputSecurity: Globals | "auto" | "none"
Inset<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

InsetBlock<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

InsetBlockEnd<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

InsetBlockStart<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

InsetInline<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

InsetInlineEnd<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

InsetInlineStart<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

InstanceType<T>: T extends abstract new (...args: any) => infer R ? R : any

Obtain the return type of a constructor function type

Type parameters

  • T: abstract new (...args: any) => any

Isolation: Globals | "auto" | "isolate"
JustifyContent: Globals | ContentDistribution | ContentPosition | "left" | "normal" | "right" | (string & {})
JustifyItems: Globals | SelfPosition | "baseline" | "left" | "legacy" | "normal" | "right" | "stretch" | (string & {})
JustifySelf: Globals | SelfPosition | "auto" | "baseline" | "left" | "normal" | "right" | "stretch" | (string & {})
JustifyTracks: Globals | ContentDistribution | ContentPosition | "left" | "normal" | "right" | (string & {})
KeyboardEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<<internal>.KeyboardEvent<T>>

Type parameters

Left<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

LegacyRef<T>: string | Ref<T>

Type parameters

  • T

LetterSpacing<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "normal"

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

LightingColor: Globals | <internal>.Color | "currentColor"
LineBreak: Globals | "anywhere" | "auto" | "loose" | "normal" | "strict"
LineClamp: Globals | "none" | (number & {}) | (string & {})
LineHeight<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "normal" | (string & {}) | (number & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

LineHeightStep<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

LineStyle: "dashed" | "dotted" | "double" | "groove" | "hidden" | "inset" | "none" | "outset" | "ridge" | "solid"
LineWidth<TLength>: TLength | "medium" | "thick" | "thin"

Type parameters

  • TLength

ListStyle: Globals | "inside" | "none" | "outside" | (string & {})
ListStyleImage: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
ListStylePosition: Globals | "inside" | "outside"
ListStyleType: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
Margin<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MarginBlock<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MarginBlockEnd<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MarginBlockStart<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MarginBottom<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MarginInline<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MarginInlineEnd<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MarginInlineStart<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MarginLeft<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MarginRight<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MarginTop<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

Marker: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
MarkerEnd: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
MarkerMid: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
MarkerStart: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
Mask<TLength>: Globals | MaskLayer<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MaskBorder: Globals | "alpha" | "luminance" | "none" | "repeat" | "round" | "space" | "stretch" | (string & {}) | (number & {})
MaskBorderMode: Globals | "alpha" | "luminance"
MaskBorderOutset<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {}) | (number & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MaskBorderRepeat: Globals | "repeat" | "round" | "space" | "stretch" | (string & {})
MaskBorderSlice: Globals | (string & {}) | (number & {})
MaskBorderSource: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
MaskBorderWidth<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {}) | (number & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MaskClip: Globals | GeometryBox | "no-clip" | (string & {})
MaskComposite: Globals | CompositingOperator | (string & {})
MaskImage: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
MaskLayer<TLength>: <internal>.Position<TLength> | RepeatStyle | GeometryBox | CompositingOperator | MaskingMode | "no-clip" | "none" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength

MaskMode: Globals | MaskingMode | (string & {})
MaskOrigin: Globals | GeometryBox | (string & {})
MaskPosition<TLength>: Globals | <internal>.Position<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MaskRepeat: Globals | RepeatStyle | (string & {})
MaskSize<TLength>: Globals | BgSize<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MaskType: Globals | "alpha" | "luminance"
MaskingMode: "alpha" | "luminance" | "match-source"
MathDepth: Globals | "auto-add" | (string & {}) | (number & {})
MathShift: Globals | "compact" | "normal"
MathStyle: Globals | "compact" | "normal"
MaxBlockSize<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-fill-available" | "fit-content" | "max-content" | "min-content" | "none" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MaxHeight<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-fit-content" | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-fit-content" | "-webkit-max-content" | "-webkit-min-content" | "fit-content" | "intrinsic" | "max-content" | "min-content" | "none" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MaxInlineSize<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-fit-content" | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-fill-available" | "fit-content" | "max-content" | "min-content" | "none" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MaxLines: Globals | "none" | (number & {}) | (string & {})
MaxWidth<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-fit-content" | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-fit-content" | "-webkit-max-content" | "-webkit-min-content" | "fit-content" | "intrinsic" | "max-content" | "min-content" | "none" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MeasureInWindowOnSuccessCallback: (x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number) => void

Type declaration

    • (x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number): void
    • Parameters

      • x: number
      • y: number
      • width: number
      • height: number

      Returns void

MeasureLayoutOnSuccessCallback: (left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number) => void

Type declaration

    • (left: number, top: number, width: number, height: number): void
    • Parameters

      • left: number
      • top: number
      • width: number
      • height: number

      Returns void

MeasureOnSuccessCallback: (x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, pageX: number, pageY: number) => void

Type declaration

    • (x: number, y: number, width: number, height: number, pageX: number, pageY: number): void
    • Parameters

      • x: number
      • y: number
      • width: number
      • height: number
      • pageX: number
      • pageY: number

      Returns void

MinBlockSize<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-fill-available" | "auto" | "fit-content" | "max-content" | "min-content" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MinHeight<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-fit-content" | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-fit-content" | "-webkit-max-content" | "-webkit-min-content" | "auto" | "fit-content" | "intrinsic" | "max-content" | "min-content" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MinInlineSize<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-fit-content" | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-fill-available" | "auto" | "fit-content" | "max-content" | "min-content" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MinWidth<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-fit-content" | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-fill-available" | "-webkit-fit-content" | "-webkit-max-content" | "-webkit-min-content" | "auto" | "fit-content" | "intrinsic" | "max-content" | "min-content" | "min-intrinsic" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MixBlendMode: Globals | BlendMode | "plus-lighter"
MouseEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<<internal>.MouseEvent<T>>

Type parameters

MozAppearance: Globals | "-moz-mac-unified-toolbar" | "-moz-win-borderless-glass" | "-moz-win-browsertabbar-toolbox" | "-moz-win-communications-toolbox" | "-moz-win-communicationstext" | "-moz-win-exclude-glass" | "-moz-win-glass" | "-moz-win-media-toolbox" | "-moz-win-mediatext" | "-moz-window-button-box" | "-moz-window-button-box-maximized" | "-moz-window-button-close" | "-moz-window-button-maximize" | "-moz-window-button-minimize" | "-moz-window-button-restore" | "-moz-window-frame-bottom" | "-moz-window-frame-left" | "-moz-window-frame-right" | "-moz-window-titlebar" | "-moz-window-titlebar-maximized" | "button" | "button-arrow-down" | "button-arrow-next" | "button-arrow-previous" | "button-arrow-up" | "button-bevel" | "button-focus" | "caret" | "checkbox" | "checkbox-container" | "checkbox-label" | "checkmenuitem" | "dualbutton" | "groupbox" | "listbox" | "listitem" | "menuarrow" | "menubar" | "menucheckbox" | "menuimage" | "menuitem" | "menuitemtext" | "menulist" | "menulist-button" | "menulist-text" | "menulist-textfield" | "menupopup" | "menuradio" | "menuseparator" | "meterbar" | "meterchunk" | "none" | "progressbar" | "progressbar-vertical" | "progresschunk" | "progresschunk-vertical" | "radio" | "radio-container" | "radio-label" | "radiomenuitem" | "range" | "range-thumb" | "resizer" | "resizerpanel" | "scale-horizontal" | "scale-vertical" | "scalethumb-horizontal" | "scalethumb-vertical" | "scalethumbend" | "scalethumbstart" | "scalethumbtick" | "scrollbarbutton-down" | "scrollbarbutton-left" | "scrollbarbutton-right" | "scrollbarbutton-up" | "scrollbarthumb-horizontal" | "scrollbarthumb-vertical" | "scrollbartrack-horizontal" | "scrollbartrack-vertical" | "searchfield" | "separator" | "sheet" | "spinner" | "spinner-downbutton" | "spinner-textfield" | "spinner-upbutton" | "splitter" | "statusbar" | "statusbarpanel" | "tab" | "tab-scroll-arrow-back" | "tab-scroll-arrow-forward" | "tabpanel" | "tabpanels" | "textfield" | "textfield-multiline" | "toolbar" | "toolbarbutton" | "toolbarbutton-dropdown" | "toolbargripper" | "toolbox" | "tooltip" | "treeheader" | "treeheadercell" | "treeheadersortarrow" | "treeitem" | "treeline" | "treetwisty" | "treetwistyopen" | "treeview"
MozBinding: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
MozBorderBottomColors: Globals | <internal>.Color | "none" | (string & {})
MozBorderLeftColors: Globals | <internal>.Color | "none" | (string & {})
MozBorderRightColors: Globals | <internal>.Color | "none" | (string & {})
MozBorderTopColors: Globals | <internal>.Color | "none" | (string & {})
MozContextProperties: Globals | "fill" | "fill-opacity" | "none" | "stroke" | "stroke-opacity" | (string & {})
MozFloatEdge: Globals | "border-box" | "content-box" | "margin-box" | "padding-box"
MozForceBrokenImageIcon: Globals | 0 | (string & {}) | 1
MozImageRegion: Globals | "auto" | (string & {})
MozOrient: Globals | "block" | "horizontal" | "inline" | "vertical"
MozOutlineRadius<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MozOutlineRadiusBottomleft<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MozOutlineRadiusBottomright<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MozOutlineRadiusTopleft<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MozOutlineRadiusTopright<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MozStackSizing: Globals | "ignore" | "stretch-to-fit"
MozTextBlink: Globals | "blink" | "none"
MozUserFocus: Globals | "ignore" | "none" | "normal" | "select-after" | "select-all" | "select-before" | "select-menu" | "select-same"
MozUserInput: Globals | "auto" | "disabled" | "enabled" | "none"
MozUserModify: Globals | "read-only" | "read-write" | "write-only"
MozWindowDragging: Globals | "drag" | "no-drag"
MozWindowShadow: Globals | "default" | "menu" | "none" | "sheet" | "tooltip"
MsAccelerator: Globals | "false" | "true"
MsBlockProgression: Globals | "bt" | "lr" | "rl" | "tb"
MsContentZoomChaining: Globals | "chained" | "none"
MsContentZoomLimit: Globals | (string & {})
MsContentZoomLimitMax: Globals | (string & {})
MsContentZoomLimitMin: Globals | (string & {})
MsContentZoomSnap: Globals | "mandatory" | "none" | "proximity" | (string & {})
MsContentZoomSnapPoints: Globals | (string & {})
MsContentZoomSnapType: Globals | "mandatory" | "none" | "proximity"
MsContentZooming: Globals | "none" | "zoom"
MsFilter: Globals | (string & {})
MsFlowFrom: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
MsFlowInto: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
MsGridColumns<TLength>: Globals | TrackBreadth<TLength> | "none" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MsGridRows<TLength>: Globals | TrackBreadth<TLength> | "none" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MsHighContrastAdjust: Globals | "auto" | "none"
MsHyphenateLimitChars: Globals | "auto" | (string & {}) | (number & {})
MsHyphenateLimitLines: Globals | "no-limit" | (number & {}) | (string & {})
MsHyphenateLimitZone<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MsImeAlign: Globals | "after" | "auto"
MsOverflowStyle: Globals | "-ms-autohiding-scrollbar" | "auto" | "none" | "scrollbar"
MsScrollChaining: Globals | "chained" | "none"
MsScrollLimit: Globals | (string & {})
MsScrollLimitXMax<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto"

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MsScrollLimitXMin<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MsScrollLimitYMax<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto"

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MsScrollLimitYMin<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MsScrollRails: Globals | "none" | "railed"
MsScrollSnapPointsX: Globals | (string & {})
MsScrollSnapPointsY: Globals | (string & {})
MsScrollSnapType: Globals | "mandatory" | "none" | "proximity"
MsScrollSnapX: Globals | (string & {})
MsScrollSnapY: Globals | (string & {})
MsScrollTranslation: Globals | "none" | "vertical-to-horizontal"
MsScrollbar3dlightColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
MsScrollbarArrowColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
MsScrollbarBaseColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
MsScrollbarDarkshadowColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
MsScrollbarFaceColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
MsScrollbarHighlightColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
MsScrollbarShadowColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
MsScrollbarTrackColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
MsTextAutospace: Globals | "ideograph-alpha" | "ideograph-numeric" | "ideograph-parenthesis" | "ideograph-space" | "none"
MsTouchSelect: Globals | "grippers" | "none"
MsUserSelect: Globals | "element" | "none" | "text"
MsWrapFlow: Globals | "auto" | "both" | "clear" | "end" | "maximum" | "start"
MsWrapMargin<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

MsWrapThrough: Globals | "none" | "wrap"
NamedColor: "aliceblue" | "antiquewhite" | "aqua" | "aquamarine" | "azure" | "beige" | "bisque" | "black" | "blanchedalmond" | "blue" | "blueviolet" | "brown" | "burlywood" | "cadetblue" | "chartreuse" | "chocolate" | "coral" | "cornflowerblue" | "cornsilk" | "crimson" | "cyan" | "darkblue" | "darkcyan" | "darkgoldenrod" | "darkgray" | "darkgreen" | "darkgrey" | "darkkhaki" | "darkmagenta" | "darkolivegreen" | "darkorange" | "darkorchid" | "darkred" | "darksalmon" | "darkseagreen" | "darkslateblue" | "darkslategray" | "darkslategrey" | "darkturquoise" | "darkviolet" | "deeppink" | "deepskyblue" | "dimgray" | "dimgrey" | "dodgerblue" | "firebrick" | "floralwhite" | "forestgreen" | "fuchsia" | "gainsboro" | "ghostwhite" | "gold" | "goldenrod" | "gray" | "green" | "greenyellow" | "grey" | "honeydew" | "hotpink" | "indianred" | "indigo" | "ivory" | "khaki" | "lavender" | "lavenderblush" | "lawngreen" | "lemonchiffon" | "lightblue" | "lightcoral" | "lightcyan" | "lightgoldenrodyellow" | "lightgray" | "lightgreen" | "lightgrey" | "lightpink" | "lightsalmon" | "lightseagreen" | "lightskyblue" | "lightslategray" | "lightslategrey" | "lightsteelblue" | "lightyellow" | "lime" | "limegreen" | "linen" | "magenta" | "maroon" | "mediumaquamarine" | "mediumblue" | "mediumorchid" | "mediumpurple" | "mediumseagreen" | "mediumslateblue" | "mediumspringgreen" | "mediumturquoise" | "mediumvioletred" | "midnightblue" | "mintcream" | "mistyrose" | "moccasin" | "navajowhite" | "navy" | "oldlace" | "olive" | "olivedrab" | "orange" | "orangered" | "orchid" | "palegoldenrod" | "palegreen" | "paleturquoise" | "palevioletred" | "papayawhip" | "peachpuff" | "peru" | "pink" | "plum" | "powderblue" | "purple" | "rebeccapurple" | "red" | "rosybrown" | "royalblue" | "saddlebrown" | "salmon" | "sandybrown" | "seagreen" | "seashell" | "sienna" | "silver" | "skyblue" | "slateblue" | "slategray" | "slategrey" | "snow" | "springgreen" | "steelblue" | "tan" | "teal" | "thistle" | "tomato" | "transparent" | "turquoise" | "violet" | "wheat" | "white" | "whitesmoke" | "yellow" | "yellowgreen"
NativeAnimationEvent: <internal>.AnimationEvent
NativeClipboardEvent: <internal>.ClipboardEvent
NativeCompositionEvent: <internal>.CompositionEvent
NativeDragEvent: <internal>.DragEvent
NativeFocusEvent: <internal>.FocusEvent
NativeKeyboardEvent: <internal>.KeyboardEvent
NativeMouseEvent: <internal>.MouseEvent
NativePointerEvent: <internal>.PointerEvent
NativeTouchEvent: <internal>.TouchEvent
NativeTransitionEvent: <internal>.TransitionEvent
NativeUIEvent: <internal>.UIEvent
NativeWheelEvent: <internal>.WheelEvent
NonNullable<T>: T extends null | undefined ? never : T

Exclude null and undefined from T

Type parameters

  • T

ObjectFit: Globals | "contain" | "cover" | "fill" | "none" | "scale-down"
ObjectPosition<TLength>: Globals | <internal>.Position<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

Offset<TLength>: Globals | <internal>.Position<TLength> | GeometryBox | "auto" | "none" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

OffsetAnchor<TLength>: Globals | <internal>.Position<TLength> | "auto"

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

OffsetDistance<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

OffsetPath: Globals | GeometryBox | "none" | (string & {})
OffsetRotate: Globals | "auto" | "reverse" | (string & {})
Only<T, U>: { [ P in keyof T]: T[P] } & Omit<{ [ P in keyof U]?: never }, keyof T>

Type parameters

  • T

  • U

Opacity: Globals | (string & {}) | (number & {})
Order: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
Orphans: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
Outline<TLength>: Globals | <internal>.Color | LineStyle | LineWidth<TLength> | "auto" | "invert" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

OutlineColor: Globals | <internal>.Color | "invert"
OutlineOffset<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

OutlineStyle: Globals | LineStyle | "auto" | (string & {})
OutlineWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

Overflow: Globals | "-moz-hidden-unscrollable" | "auto" | "clip" | "hidden" | "scroll" | "visible" | (string & {})
OverflowAnchor: Globals | "auto" | "none"
OverflowBlock: Globals | "auto" | "clip" | "hidden" | "scroll" | "visible"
OverflowClipBox: Globals | "content-box" | "padding-box"
OverflowClipMargin<TLength>: Globals | VisualBox | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

OverflowInline: Globals | "auto" | "clip" | "hidden" | "scroll" | "visible"
OverflowWrap: Globals | "anywhere" | "break-word" | "normal"
OverflowX: Globals | "-moz-hidden-unscrollable" | "auto" | "clip" | "hidden" | "scroll" | "visible"
OverflowY: Globals | "-moz-hidden-unscrollable" | "auto" | "clip" | "hidden" | "scroll" | "visible"
OverscrollBehavior: Globals | "auto" | "contain" | "none" | (string & {})
OverscrollBehaviorBlock: Globals | "auto" | "contain" | "none"
OverscrollBehaviorInline: Globals | "auto" | "contain" | "none"
OverscrollBehaviorX: Globals | "auto" | "contain" | "none"
OverscrollBehaviorY: Globals | "auto" | "contain" | "none"
Padding<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PaddingBlock<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PaddingBlockEnd<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PaddingBlockStart<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PaddingBottom<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PaddingInline<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PaddingInlineEnd<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PaddingInlineStart<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PaddingLeft<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PaddingRight<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PaddingTop<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PageBreakAfter: Globals | "always" | "auto" | "avoid" | "left" | "recto" | "right" | "verso"
PageBreakBefore: Globals | "always" | "auto" | "avoid" | "left" | "recto" | "right" | "verso"
PageBreakInside: Globals | "auto" | "avoid"
Paint: <internal>.Color | "child" | "context-fill" | "context-stroke" | "none" | (string & {})
PaintOrder: Globals | "fill" | "markers" | "normal" | "stroke" | (string & {})
Parameters<T>: T extends (...args: infer P) => any ? P : never

Obtain the parameters of a function type in a tuple

Type parameters

  • T: (...args: any) => any

Perspective<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "none"

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PerspectiveOrigin<TLength>: Globals | <internal>.Position<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

PlaceContent: Globals | ContentDistribution | ContentPosition | "baseline" | "normal" | (string & {})
PlaceItems: Globals | SelfPosition | "baseline" | "normal" | "stretch" | (string & {})
PlaceSelf: Globals | SelfPosition | "auto" | "baseline" | "normal" | "stretch" | (string & {})
PointerEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<<internal>.PointerEvent<T>>

Type parameters

PointerEvents: Globals | "all" | "auto" | "fill" | "inherit" | "none" | "painted" | "stroke" | "visible" | "visibleFill" | "visiblePainted" | "visibleStroke"
Position: Globals | "-webkit-sticky" | "absolute" | "fixed" | "relative" | "static" | "sticky"
Position<TLength>: TLength | "bottom" | "center" | "left" | "right" | "top" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength

PrintColorAdjust: Globals | "economy" | "exact"
PropsWithChildren<P>: P & { children?: ReactNode }

Type parameters

  • P = unknown

PropsWithRef<P>: "ref" extends keyof P ? P extends { ref?: infer R } ? string extends R ? PropsWithoutRef<P> & { ref?: Exclude<R, string> } : P : P : P

Ensures that the props do not include string ref, which cannot be forwarded

Type parameters

  • P

PropsWithoutRef<P>: P extends any ? "ref" extends keyof P ? Pick<P, Exclude<keyof P, "ref">> : P : P

Ensures that the props do not include ref at all

Type parameters

  • P

Quote: "close-quote" | "no-close-quote" | "no-open-quote" | "open-quote"
Quotes: Globals | "auto" | "none" | (string & {})
ReactEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<SyntheticEvent<T>>

Type parameters

Ref<T>: RefCallback<T> | RefObject<T> | null

Type parameters

  • T

RefCallback<T>: { bivarianceHack: any }["bivarianceHack"]

Type parameters

  • T

RepeatStyle: "no-repeat" | "repeat" | "repeat-x" | "repeat-y" | "round" | "space" | (string & {})
Resize: Globals | "block" | "both" | "horizontal" | "inline" | "none" | "vertical"
Right<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

Rotate: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
RowGap<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "normal" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

RubyAlign: Globals | "center" | "space-around" | "space-between" | "start"
RubyMerge: Globals | "auto" | "collapse" | "separate"
RubyPosition: Globals | "alternate" | "inter-character" | "over" | "under" | (string & {})
Scale: Globals | "none" | (string & {}) | (number & {})
ScrollBehavior: Globals | "auto" | "smooth"
ScrollMargin<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollMarginBlock<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollMarginBlockEnd<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollMarginBlockStart<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollMarginBottom<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollMarginInline<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollMarginInlineEnd<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollMarginInlineStart<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollMarginLeft<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollMarginRight<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollMarginTop<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollPadding<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollPaddingBlock<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollPaddingBlockEnd<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollPaddingBlockStart<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollPaddingBottom<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollPaddingInline<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollPaddingInlineEnd<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollPaddingInlineStart<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollPaddingLeft<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollPaddingRight<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollPaddingTop<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollSnapAlign: Globals | "center" | "end" | "none" | "start" | (string & {})
ScrollSnapCoordinate<TLength>: Globals | <internal>.Position<TLength> | "none" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollSnapDestination<TLength>: Globals | <internal>.Position<TLength>

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ScrollSnapPointsX: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
ScrollSnapPointsY: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
ScrollSnapStop: Globals | "always" | "normal"
ScrollSnapType: Globals | "block" | "both" | "inline" | "none" | "x" | "y" | (string & {})
ScrollSnapTypeX: Globals | "mandatory" | "none" | "proximity"
ScrollSnapTypeY: Globals | "mandatory" | "none" | "proximity"
ScrollbarColor: Globals | "auto" | (string & {})
ScrollbarGutter: Globals | "auto" | "stable" | (string & {})
ScrollbarWidth: Globals | "auto" | "none" | "thin"
SelfPosition: "center" | "end" | "flex-end" | "flex-start" | "self-end" | "self-start" | "start"
SetStateAction<S>: S | ((prevState: S) => S)

Type parameters

  • S

ShapeImageThreshold: Globals | (string & {}) | (number & {})
ShapeMargin<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

ShapeOutside: Globals | Box | "margin-box" | "none" | (string & {})
ShapeRendering: Globals | "auto" | "crispEdges" | "geometricPrecision" | "optimizeSpeed"
SingleAnimation<TTime>: EasingFunction | SingleAnimationDirection | SingleAnimationFillMode | TTime | "infinite" | "none" | "paused" | "running" | (string & {}) | (number & {})

Type parameters

  • TTime

SingleAnimationDirection: "alternate" | "alternate-reverse" | "normal" | "reverse"
SingleAnimationFillMode: "backwards" | "both" | "forwards" | "none"
SingleAnimationTimeline: "auto" | "none" | (string & {})
SingleTransition<TTime>: EasingFunction | TTime | "all" | "none" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TTime

StepTimingFunction: "step-end" | "step-start" | (string & {})
StopColor: Globals | <internal>.Color | "currentColor"
StopOpacity: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
Stroke: Globals | Paint
StrokeDasharray<TLength>: Globals | Dasharray<TLength> | "none"

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

StrokeDashoffset<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

StrokeLinecap: Globals | "butt" | "round" | "square"
StrokeLinejoin: Globals | "bevel" | "miter" | "round"
StrokeMiterlimit: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
StrokeOpacity: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
StrokeWidth<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

TabSize<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (number & {}) | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

TableLayout: Globals | "auto" | "fixed"
TextAlign: Globals | "center" | "end" | "justify" | "left" | "match-parent" | "right" | "start"
TextAlignLast: Globals | "auto" | "center" | "end" | "justify" | "left" | "right" | "start"
TextAnchor: Globals | "end" | "middle" | "start"
TextCombineUpright: Globals | "all" | "none" | (string & {})
TextDecoration<TLength>: Globals | <internal>.Color | TLength | "auto" | "blink" | "dashed" | "dotted" | "double" | "from-font" | "grammar-error" | "line-through" | "none" | "overline" | "solid" | "spelling-error" | "underline" | "wavy" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

TextDecorationColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
TextDecorationLine: Globals | "blink" | "grammar-error" | "line-through" | "none" | "overline" | "spelling-error" | "underline" | (string & {})
TextDecorationSkip: Globals | "box-decoration" | "edges" | "leading-spaces" | "none" | "objects" | "spaces" | "trailing-spaces" | (string & {})
TextDecorationSkipInk: Globals | "all" | "auto" | "none"
TextDecorationStyle: Globals | "dashed" | "dotted" | "double" | "solid" | "wavy"
TextDecorationThickness<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | "from-font" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

TextEmphasis: Globals | <internal>.Color | "circle" | "dot" | "double-circle" | "filled" | "none" | "open" | "sesame" | "triangle" | (string & {})
TextEmphasisColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
TextEmphasisPosition: Globals | (string & {})
TextEmphasisStyle: Globals | "circle" | "dot" | "double-circle" | "filled" | "none" | "open" | "sesame" | "triangle" | (string & {})
TextIndent<TLength>: Globals | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

TextJustify: Globals | "auto" | "inter-character" | "inter-word" | "none"
TextOrientation: Globals | "mixed" | "sideways" | "upright"
TextOverflow: Globals | "clip" | "ellipsis" | (string & {})
TextRendering: Globals | "auto" | "geometricPrecision" | "optimizeLegibility" | "optimizeSpeed"
TextShadow: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
TextSizeAdjust: Globals | "auto" | "none" | (string & {})
TextTransform: Globals | "capitalize" | "full-size-kana" | "full-width" | "lowercase" | "none" | "uppercase"
TextUnderlineOffset<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

TextUnderlinePosition: Globals | "auto" | "from-font" | "left" | "right" | "under" | (string & {})
Top<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "auto" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

TouchAction: Globals | "-ms-manipulation" | "-ms-none" | "-ms-pinch-zoom" | "auto" | "manipulation" | "none" | "pan-down" | "pan-left" | "pan-right" | "pan-up" | "pan-x" | "pan-y" | "pinch-zoom" | (string & {})
TouchEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<<internal>.TouchEvent<T>>

Type parameters

TrackBreadth<TLength>: TLength | "auto" | "max-content" | "min-content" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength

Transform: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
TransformBox: Globals | "border-box" | "content-box" | "fill-box" | "stroke-box" | "view-box"
TransformOrigin<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "bottom" | "center" | "left" | "right" | "top" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

TransformStyle: Globals | "flat" | "preserve-3d"
Transition<TTime>: Globals | SingleTransition<TTime> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TTime = string & {}

TransitionDelay<TTime>: Globals | TTime | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TTime = string & {}

TransitionDuration<TTime>: Globals | TTime | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TTime = string & {}

TransitionEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<<internal>.TransitionEvent<T>>

Type parameters

TransitionProperty: Globals | "all" | "none" | (string & {})
TransitionTimingFunction: Globals | EasingFunction | (string & {})
Translate<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "none" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

UIEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<<internal>.UIEvent<T>>

Type parameters

UnicodeBidi: Globals | "-moz-isolate" | "-moz-isolate-override" | "-moz-plaintext" | "-webkit-isolate" | "-webkit-isolate-override" | "-webkit-plaintext" | "bidi-override" | "embed" | "isolate" | "isolate-override" | "normal" | "plaintext"
UserSelect: Globals | "-moz-none" | "all" | "auto" | "contain" | "element" | "none" | "text"
VectorEffect: Globals | "non-scaling-stroke" | "none"
VerticalAlign<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "baseline" | "bottom" | "middle" | "sub" | "super" | "text-bottom" | "text-top" | "top" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

Visibility: Globals | "collapse" | "hidden" | "visible"
VisualBox: "border-box" | "content-box" | "padding-box"
WebkitAppearance: Globals | "-apple-pay-button" | "button" | "button-bevel" | "caret" | "checkbox" | "default-button" | "inner-spin-button" | "listbox" | "listitem" | "media-controls-background" | "media-controls-fullscreen-background" | "media-current-time-display" | "media-enter-fullscreen-button" | "media-exit-fullscreen-button" | "media-fullscreen-button" | "media-mute-button" | "media-overlay-play-button" | "media-play-button" | "media-seek-back-button" | "media-seek-forward-button" | "media-slider" | "media-sliderthumb" | "media-time-remaining-display" | "media-toggle-closed-captions-button" | "media-volume-slider" | "media-volume-slider-container" | "media-volume-sliderthumb" | "menulist" | "menulist-button" | "menulist-text" | "menulist-textfield" | "meter" | "none" | "progress-bar" | "progress-bar-value" | "push-button" | "radio" | "searchfield" | "searchfield-cancel-button" | "searchfield-decoration" | "searchfield-results-button" | "searchfield-results-decoration" | "slider-horizontal" | "slider-vertical" | "sliderthumb-horizontal" | "sliderthumb-vertical" | "square-button" | "textarea" | "textfield"
WebkitBorderBefore<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | LineStyle | <internal>.Color | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

WebkitBorderBeforeColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
WebkitBorderBeforeStyle: Globals | LineStyle | (string & {})
WebkitBorderBeforeWidth<TLength>: Globals | LineWidth<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

WebkitBoxReflect<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "above" | "below" | "left" | "right" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

WebkitLineClamp: Globals | "none" | (number & {}) | (string & {})
WebkitMask<TLength>: Globals | <internal>.Position<TLength> | RepeatStyle | Box | "border" | "content" | "none" | "padding" | "text" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

WebkitMaskAttachment: Globals | Attachment | (string & {})
WebkitMaskClip: Globals | Box | "border" | "content" | "padding" | "text" | (string & {})
WebkitMaskComposite: Globals | CompositeStyle | (string & {})
WebkitMaskImage: Globals | "none" | (string & {})
WebkitMaskOrigin: Globals | Box | "border" | "content" | "padding" | (string & {})
WebkitMaskPosition<TLength>: Globals | <internal>.Position<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

WebkitMaskPositionX<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "center" | "left" | "right" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

WebkitMaskPositionY<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "bottom" | "center" | "top" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

WebkitMaskRepeat: Globals | RepeatStyle | (string & {})
WebkitMaskRepeatX: Globals | "no-repeat" | "repeat" | "round" | "space"
WebkitMaskRepeatY: Globals | "no-repeat" | "repeat" | "round" | "space"
WebkitMaskSize<TLength>: Globals | BgSize<TLength> | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

WebkitOverflowScrolling: Globals | "auto" | "touch"
WebkitTapHighlightColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
WebkitTextFillColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
WebkitTextStroke<TLength>: Globals | <internal>.Color | TLength | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

WebkitTextStrokeColor: Globals | <internal>.Color
WebkitTextStrokeWidth<TLength>: Globals | TLength

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

WebkitTouchCallout: Globals | "default" | "none"
WebkitUserModify: Globals | "read-only" | "read-write" | "read-write-plaintext-only"
WheelEventHandler<T>: EventHandler<<internal>.WheelEvent<T>>

Type parameters

WhiteSpace: Globals | "-moz-pre-wrap" | "break-spaces" | "normal" | "nowrap" | "pre" | "pre-line" | "pre-wrap"
Widows: Globals | (number & {}) | (string & {})
Width<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "-moz-fit-content" | "-moz-max-content" | "-moz-min-content" | "-webkit-fit-content" | "-webkit-max-content" | "auto" | "fit-content" | "intrinsic" | "max-content" | "min-content" | "min-intrinsic" | (string & {})

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

WillChange: Globals | AnimateableFeature | "auto" | (string & {})
WordBreak: Globals | "break-all" | "break-word" | "keep-all" | "normal"
WordSpacing<TLength>: Globals | TLength | "normal"

Type parameters

  • TLength = (string & {}) | 0

WordWrap: Globals | "break-word" | "normal"
WritingMode: Globals | "horizontal-tb" | "sideways-lr" | "sideways-rl" | "vertical-lr" | "vertical-rl"
ZIndex: Globals | "auto" | (number & {}) | (string & {})
Zoom: Globals | "normal" | "reset" | (string & {}) | (number & {})

Generated using TypeDoc