Interface RtmImageMessage

Interface for image messages. You can use this interface to send and receive image messages. You can call sendMessageToPeer or sendMessage to send a peer-to-peer or channel image message.


  • RtmImageMessage


description: string

Description of the image message. The maximum total size of thumbnail ,fileName, and description is 32 KB.

fileName: string

The filename of the uploaded image. The maximum total size of thumbnail ,fileName, and description is 32 KB.

height: number

The height of the uploaded image in pixels.

mediaId: string

Media ID of the uploaded image. The SDK automatically assigns a media ID for each image you upload to the Agora server. A media ID stays valid for seven days, which means that each uploaded image stays on the Agora server for seven days.

messageType: "IMAGE"

Message type. ''IMAGE'' stands for image messages.

size: number

Size of the uploaded image in bytes.

thumbnail: undefined | Blob

The thumbnail of the uploaded image. Must be a binary file. The maximum total size of thumbnail ,fileName, and description is 32 KB.

thumbnailHeight: number

Height of the thumbnail of the uploaded image in pixels.

thumbnailWidth: number

Width of the thumbnail of the uploaded image in pixels.

width: number

The width of the uploaded image in pixels.

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