Class that represents the RTM client. You can call the createInstance method of AgoraRTM to create an RtmClient instance. This class is the entry point of the Agora RTM SDK.

No Inherit Doc



  • Returns RtmClient


defaultMaxListeners: number


  • Adds or updates the attributes of a specified channel.

    This method updates the specified channel's attributes if it finds that the attributes has/have the same keys, or adds attributes to the channel if it does not.



    Returns Promise<void>

  • Adds or updates the local user's attributes.

    This method updates the local user's attributes if it finds that the attributes has/have the same keys, or adds attributes to the local user if it does not.


    The Promise resolves after successfully adding or updating the local user's attributes.


    • attributes: AttributesMap

      The attributes to be added or updated.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Clears all attributes of the local user.


    The Promise resolves after successfully clearing the local user's attributes.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Creates an RtmChannel instance.


    An RtmChannel instance.


    • channelId: string

      The unique channel name of the Agora RTM channel. The string length must be less than 64 bytes with the following character scope:

      • All lowercase English letters: a to z
      • All uppercase English letters: A to Z
      • All numeric characters: 0 to 9
      • The space character.
      • Punctuation characters and other symbols, including: "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", " {", "}", "|", "~", ","


      • The channelId cannot be empty, null, or "null".

    Returns RtmChannel

  • Uploads a file to the Agora server to get an RtmFileMessage instance for file messages.


    // Blob from a file
    const blob = <Blob>
    // Upload a file to create an RtmFileMessage instance
    const mediaMessage = await client.createMediaMessageByUploading(blob, { messageType: 'FILE' })
    // Send a peer-to-peer file message
    await client.sendMessageToPeer(mediaMessage, <peerId>)


    The Promise resolves after the file is successfully uploaded. The value of the Promise is an RtmFileMessage instance for sending channel messages and peer-to-peer messages.


    • payload: Blob

      Content of the file in binary format. Must not exceed 32 MB in size.

    • Optional params: {
          description?: string;
          fileName?: string;
          messageType?: "FILE";
          thumbnail?: Blob;

      Contains the name of the file to upload, the description of the file message, the thumbnail, and the message type.

      • fileName string
        Name of the file to upload. The maximum total size of fileName, description, and thumbnail is 32 KB.
      • description string
        Description of the file message. The maximum total size of fileName, description, and thumbnail is 32 KB.
      • thumbnail undefined | Blob
        Thumbnail of the file to upload. Must in binary format. The maximum total size of fileName, description, and thumbnail is 32 KB.
      • messageType ''FILE''
        Message type. ''FILE'' stands for file messages.
      • Optional description?: string
      • Optional fileName?: string
      • Optional messageType?: "FILE"
      • Optional thumbnail?: Blob
    • Optional transHandler: MediaTransferHandler

      A MediaTransferHandler instance. You can use this parameter to cancel an upload or report the upload progress.

    Returns Promise<RtmFileMessage>

  • Uploads an image to the Agora server to get an RtmImageMessage instance for sending image messages.


    // Blob from an image
    const blob = <Blob>
    // Upload an image to create an RtmImageMessage instance
    const mediaMessage = await client.createMediaMessageByUploading(blob, {
    messageType: 'IMAGE',
    fileName: 'file_name',
    description: 'description',
    thumbnail: blob,
    width: 100,
    height: 200,
    thumbnailWidth: 50,
    thumbnailHeight: 200,
    // Send a peer-to-peer image message
    await client.sendMessageToPeer(mediaMessage, <peerId>)


    The Promise resolves after the image file is successfully uploaded. The value of the Promise is an RtmImageMessage instance for sending channel messages and peer-to-peer messages.


    • payload: Blob

      Content of the image in binary format. Must not exceed 32 MB in size.

    • Optional params: {
          description?: string;
          fileName?: string;
          height?: number;
          messageType?: "IMAGE";
          thumbnail?: Blob;
          thumbnailHeight?: number;
          thumbnailWidth?: number;
          width?: number;

      Contains the the width, height, name of the image file to upload, the description of the image message, the thumbnail, the width and height of the thumbnail, and the message type.

      • width number
        Width of the image file to upload in pixels. If you do not specify this value and the uploaded file format is JPG, JPEG, BMP, or PNG, the SDK automatically calculates the width. The SDK does not resize or crop the image.
      • height number
        Height of the image file to upload in pixels. If you do not specify this value and the uploaded file format is JPG, JPEG, BMP, or PNG, the SDK automatically calculates the height. The SDK does not resize or crop the image.
      • fileName string
        Name of the image file to upload. The maximum total size of fileName, description, and thumbnail is 32 KB.
      • description string
        Description of the image message. The maximum total size of fileName, description, and thumbnail is 32 KB.
      • thumbnail undefined | Blob
        Thumbnail of the image to upload. Must in binary format. The maximum total size of fileName, description, and thumbnail is 32 KB.
      • thumbnailWidth undefined | number
        Width of the thumbnail in pixels. If you do not specify this value, the SDK automatically calculates the width.
      • thumbnailHeight undefined | number
        Height of the thumbnail in pixels. If you do not specify this value, the SDK automatically calculates the height.
      • messageType ''IMAGE''
        Message type. ''IMAGE'' stands for image messages.
      • Optional description?: string
      • Optional fileName?: string
      • Optional height?: number
      • Optional messageType?: "IMAGE"
      • Optional thumbnail?: Blob
      • Optional thumbnailHeight?: number
      • Optional thumbnailWidth?: number
      • Optional width?: number
    • Optional transHandler: MediaTransferHandler

      A MediaTransferHandler instance. You can use this parameter to cancel an upload or report the upload progress.

    Returns Promise<RtmImageMessage>

  • Creates a message instance for sending peer-to-peer or channel messages. For file messages and image messages, if the corresponding files or image files have been uploaded and the media IDs are still valid, you can call this method to get a message instance for sending peer-to-peer or channel messages.


    const mediaMessage = client.createMessage({
    mediaId: <mediaId>,
    mediaType: 'FILE',
    }) // Create an RtmFileMessage instance


    A message instance to send. You can use the message instance to send peer-to-peer or channel messages.

    Type Parameters


    Returns T

  • Deletes the local user's attributes using attribute keys.



    Returns Promise<void>

  • Deletes the local user's attributes using attribute keys.


    The Promise resolves after successfully deleting the local user's attributes.


    • attributeKeys: string[]

      A list of the attribute keys to be deleted.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Downloads a file or image file from the Agora server by media ID.


    // Download a file blob
    client.on('MessageFromPeer', async message => {
    if (message.messageType === 'FILE') {
    const blob = await client.downloadMedia(message.mediaId)


    The Promise is resolved when the download is complete. The value of the Promise is the Blob instance that represents the downloaded file or image file.


    • mediaId: string

      Media ID of the uploaded file or image file. The SDK automatically returns a media ID when a file or image file is successfully uploaded to the Agora server. You can use the RtmFileMessage instance or the RtmImageMessage instance to get the media ID of a file or image file.

    • Optional transHandler: MediaTransferHandler

      A MediaTransferHandler instance. You can use this parameter to cancel a download or report the download progress.

    Returns Promise<Blob>

  • Gets all attributes of a specified channel.



    • channelId: string

      The ID of the specified channel.

    Returns Promise<ChannelAttributes>

  • Gets the attributes of a specified channel by attribute keys.



    • channelId: string

      The ID of the specified channel.

    • keys: string[]

      An array of attribute keys.

    Returns Promise<ChannelAttributes>

  • Gets the member count of specified channels.


    • The call frequency limit for this method is one call per second.
    • We do not support getting the member counts of more than 32 channels in one method call.


    • channelIds: string[]

      An array of the specified channel IDs.

    Returns Promise<ChannelMemberCountResult>

  • Gets all attributes of a specified user.


    • userId: string

      The user ID of the specified user.

    Returns Promise<AttributesMap>

  • Gets the attributes of a specified user by attribute keys.


    • userId: string

      The user ID of the specified user.

    • attributeKeys: string[]

      An array of the attribute keys.

    Returns Promise<AttributesMap>

  • Type Parameters


    • this: T
    • event: P

    Returns number

  • Type Parameters


    • this: T
    • event: P

    Returns Function[]

  • Logs in to the Agora RTM system.


    If you use the Agora RTM SDK together with the Agora RTC SDK, Agora recommends that you avoid logging in to the RTM system and joining the RTC channel at the same time.


    If the user logs in with the same uid from a different instance, the user will be kicked out of your previous login and removed from previously joined channels.


    The Promise resolves after the user logs in to the Agora RTM system successfully.


    • options: {
          token?: string;
          uid: string;
      • Optional token?: string

        An optional token generated by the app server.

      • uid: string

        The uid of the user logging in the Agora RTM system. The string length must be less than 64 bytes with the following character scope:

        • All lowercase English letters: a to z
        • All uppercase English letters: A to Z
        • All numeric characters: 0 to 9
        • The space character.
        • Punctuation characters and other symbols, including: "!", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", "+", "-", ":", ";", "<", "=", ".", ">", "?", "@", "[", "]", "^", "_", " {", "}", "|", "~", ","


        • The uid cannot be empty, or set as null or "null".
        • We do not support uids of the number type and recommend using the toString() method to convert your non-string uid.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Allows a user to log out of the Agora RTM system.

    After the user logs out of the Agora RTM system, the SDK disconnects from the Agora RTM system and destroys the corresponding event listener.


    The Promises resolves after the user logs out of the Agora RTM system and disconnects from WebSocket.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Type Parameters


    • this: T
    • event: P
    • listener: ((...args: any[]) => any)
        • (...args: any[]): any
        • Parameters

          • Rest ...args: any[]

          Returns any

    Returns RtmClient

  • Adds the listener function to the channel for the event named eventName. See the EventEmitter API documentation for other event methods on the RtmClient instance.

    Type Parameters


    • eventName: EventName

      The name of the RTM client event. See the property names in the RtmClientEvents for the list of events.

    • listener: ((...args: ListenerType<RtmClientEvents[EventName]>) => any)

      The callback function of the RTM client event.

    Returns RtmClient

  • Type Parameters


    Returns RtmClient

  • Gets a list of the peers, to whose specific status you have subscribed.


    • option: ONLINE_STATUS

      The status type, to which you have subscribed. See RtmStatusCode.PeerSubscriptionOption.

    Returns Promise<string[]>

  • Queries the online status of the specified users.


    • peerIds: string[]

      A list of the user IDs. The number of user IDs must not exceed 256.

    Returns Promise<PeersOnlineStatusResult>

  • Type Parameters


    • this: T
    • event: P

    Returns Function[]

  • Type Parameters


    • this: T
    • Optional event: P

    Returns RtmClient

  • Renews the token.


    • token: string

      Your new Token.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Allows a user to send an (offline) peer-to-peer message to a specified remote user.

    You can send messages, including peer-to-peer and channel messages at a maximum frequency of 180 calls every three second.


    { text: 'test peer message' }, // An RtmMessage object.
    'demoPeerId', // The uid of the remote user.
    ).then(sendResult => {
    if (sendResult.hasPeerReceived) {
    // Your code for handling the event when the remote user receives the message.
    } else {
    // Your code for handling the event when the message is received by the server but the remote user cannot be reached.
    }).catch(error => {
    // Your code for handling the event when the message fails to be sent.


    The Promise resolves after the message is successfully sent. The value of the Promise indicates whether the peer user is online and receives the message.


    • message: RtmMessage

      The message to be sent.

    • peerId: string

      The uid of the peer user.

    • Optional options: SendMessageOptions

      Enables offline messaging. See SendMessageOptions.


      We do not support uids of the number type. We recommend using the toString() method to convert a non-string uid.

    Returns Promise<PeerMessageSendResult>

  • Substitutes the local user's attributes with new ones.


    The Promise resolves after successfully setting the local user's attributes.


    Returns Promise<void>

  • Modifies the RtmClient instance configuration. The changes take effect immediately.


    This method is deprecated as of v1.4.2. Please use updateConfig instead.


    • config: RtmConfig

      Sets whether the SDK uploads logs, and sets the output level of logs. See RtmConfig.

    Returns void

  • Subscribes to the online status of the specified users.

    • When the method call succeeds, the SDK returns the PeersOnlineStatusChanged callback to report the online status of peers, to whom you subscribe.
    • When the online status of the peers, to whom you subscribe, changes, the SDK returns the PeersOnlineStatusChanged callback to report whose online status has changed.
    • If the online status of the peers, to whom you subscribe, changes when the SDK is reconnecting to the server, the SDK returns the PeersOnlineStatusChanged callback to report whose online status has changed when successfully reconnecting to the server.


    • When you log out of the Agora RTM system, all the status that you subscribe to will be cleared. To keep the original subscription after you re-log in the system, you need to redo the whole subscription process.
    • When the SDK reconnects to the server from the state of being interrupted, the SDK automatically subscribes to the peers and states before the interruption without human intervention.


    • peerIds: string[]

      An array of the specified user IDs.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Unsubscribes from the online status of the specified users.


    • peerIds: string[]

      An array of the specified user IDs.

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Modifies the RtmClient instance configuration. The changes take effect immediately.


    • config: RtmConfig

      Sets whether the SDK uploads logs, and sets the output level of logs. See RtmConfig.

    Returns void

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